

Two Research Projects of SIG Selected as "Shanghai's Outstanding Research Findings on Reform and Development (2020-2021)"

    Recently, the Shanghai Financial Association (SHFA) has released the list of "Shanghai's Outstanding Research Findings on Reform and Development (2020-2021)". Upon several rounds of selections and expert reviews, SIG's two research projects - Analytical Report on Infrastructure REITs Investment and Research on the Development Path of Local Asset Management Companies (AMCs) stood out from numerous entries, to win the first prize and the second prize respectively.

    The "Selection of Shanghai's Outstanding Research Findings on Reform and Development (2020-2021)", organized by SHFA, aims to improve Shanghai's level as an international financial center, and speed up the reform and development of Shanghai's financial sector. The organizer received 125 research reports, and the winners were selected after procedures such as preliminary examination, first-round evaluation, second-round evaluation and publicity.

    Based on the development of Shanghai International Financial Center and Shanghai Global Asset Management Center, the Analytical Report on Infrastructure REITs Investment probed into the development of REITs at home and abroad, reviewed SIG's subsidiaries' involvement in infrastructure REITs and quasi-REITs, and offered exploratory suggestions on how Shanghai will develop infrastructure REITs to revitalize idle infrastructure, drive incremental investment, improve operation management and build a globally competitive new highland for REITs development.

    SIG's Research on the Development Path of Local Asset Management Companies (AMCs) probed into the business environment of local AMCs, learned experience from peer companies through surveys, analyzed the market situation of local AMCs, responded to new regulatory policies, provided insights into the path for the next-step development of AMCs, and offered suggestions. In the future, SIG's AMC sector will perform the responsibility of solving regional risks, keep exploring market-oriented and specialized development, integrate itself into the overall reform of state capital and state-owned enterprises, and open up a new path for the stable and high-quality development of the regional economy.



