ZHOU JieSecretary of CPC SIG Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors
LIU XinyiVice Secretary of CPC SIG Committee, Director of the Board, President
WU JunVice Secretary of CPC SIG Committee
PI LiuyiVice President
JIANG FangpingSecretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, Member of CPC SIG Committee, Supervision Commissioner
GUAN WeiMember of CPC SIG Committee, Vice President, Chief Financial O?cer
ZHOU LeiMember of CPC SIG Committee, Vice President
ZHONG MaojunDirector of the Board , General Counsel, Chief Operation Officer
MA HaiyanMember of CPC SIG Committee, Chairwoman of Labor Union, Director of the Board, Secretary of the Board of Directors
WANG TayuChief Investment O?cer