

Yu Beihua Meets with Delegation Led by Lin Shunhui, Secretary of CPC Committee and Head of CCB Shanghai Branch


On the afternoon of April 23, 2020, Yu Beihua, Secretary of the CPC SIG Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors, met with a delegation led by Lin Shunhui, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Head of China Construction Bank (CCB) Shanghai Branch; and Qi Hong, Member of the CPC Committee and Deputy Head of CCB Shanghai Branch.

Yu introduced SIG's development history, key business fields and current work on the pilot regulation of financial holding companies, with emphasis on SIG's equity fund business. He noted that SIG had developed certain brand influence in the field of state-owned industrial funds, and forged longstanding close partnerships with Shanghai's local state-owned capital industry, social capital and financial capital.

Lin thanked SIG for developing longstanding cooperative relations with CCB Shanghai Branch, and introduced CCB's new business in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-gang Special Area, fintech business, foreign cooperation and open exchanges.

The two sides agreed on continuing to strengthen communication and cooperation in such aspects as financing innovation, industrial funds and fintech.

Relevant staff of the Business Department of CCB Shanghai Branch and Luwan Sub-branch accompanied Lin and Qi for the visit. Relevant staff of the Department of Investment Management II of SIG, Shanghai Sci-tech Capital and Growth FOF was present.
